Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Is it subjective or a universal truth about what constitutes “good” and “evil”?

Mostly it is subjuctive as to what constitutes "good" or "evil". Depending on a person's point of view, an act can be deemed either of the two. It would be a matter of perspective. For example, a person needs to survive so they kill an endangered species. On one hand, this could be concidered good (from the survivors point of view). On the other, it could be concidered evil (from the animal rihts activists point of view). So it is all a matter of how the situation is seen, and the feelings directed towards it.


  1. Very good point, if someone is doing something to survive, they see it as the right thing to do at the moment.

  2. Great blog! I liked the example you used to describe it's subjective that constitutes what good and evil is.

  3. Evil from the animal's point of view? This is an example of posting just to post.

  4. You skimmed it...its "from the animal rights activists point of view"...
